This was taken March 1, using my new Dallmeyer lens. I was at the Bogalusa re-enactment for Sunday only, so I missed a big rainstorm Saturday. It was quite chilly, in the 30s, until the sun came out just before lunch. I didn't strike many images because folks seemed to be pre-occupied just staying warm and getting ready to bug out after the battle. Some participants from Mississippi left early out of concern that they wouldn't be able to travel north on icy roads. This event was even bigger than last year's, with double the number of troops. The Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce is considering the event for the 2nd weekend of May.
My next event is a demonstration March 7 at the LSU Rural Life Museum during the Ione Burden Symposium: http://appl027.lsu.edu/rlm/rurallifeweb.nsf/$Content/Symposium?OpenDocument. I may be going to the Civil War re-enactment at Springfield, La., on March 14-15. For sure, I'll be at the Port Hudson re-enactment, March 27-29.
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